Station Area Development & Connectivity
Applying transit-oriented development (TOD) measures around rail stations is a strategy that works for large, dense urban areas, as well as smaller central cities and suburban areas. TOD measures are generally applied to areas within about one-half mile of stations but can extend up to a mile or greater. TOD also accommodates new residential and commercial growth on a smaller footprint, conserving agricultural lands and open spaces that may otherwise be developed. Local governments play a significant role in implementing station area development by adopting plans, policies, zoning provisions, design criteria, and incentives for higher densities, and by incorporating a mix of urban land uses. The responsibility and powers needed to focus growth and station area development guidelines in the areas around San Joaquins stations reside primarily with local government. SJJPA has identified seven key strategies which can help ensure that the San Joaquins become an instrument for encouraging TOD which can be found HERE.

Connectivity with modes other than the automobile is particularly important for first-mile-last-mile trips, while also serving to promote equitable transportation in disadvantaged/priority communities throughout California. In addition to helping increase ridership, improved transit and micro-transit connections support a more sustainable California by reducing energy consumption, automobile VMT, and greenhouse gas emissions.


San Francisco Bay Ferry
The responsibility for providing connectivity to San Joaquins stations resides primarily with local and regional transit agencies. SJJPA is monitoring existing transit services and encouraging local and regional transit agencies to improve and expand transit services that connect to San Joaquins stations. SJJPA is also requesting that transit agencies promote their connection to the San Joaquins onboard their transit services and at their stops/stations. SJJPA is working to improve the coordination of fares and service schedules with connecting transit services and will seek funding opportunities to Implement transit-transfer programs for San Joaquins passengers. In partnership with local and regional agencies, SJJPA is pursuing Caltrans Sustainable Planning grant(s) in 2023 and 2024 to study increased connectivity at San Joaquins stations focusing on improving service to underserved disadvantaged/priority populations. This planning would include studying new technologies and creative ways to improve service connectivity to disadvantage/priority populations throughout the San Joaquin Corridor.
Network Integration Connectivity Study
In 2021, SJJPA undertook a connectivity study focused on the San Joaquin Valley stations and service to disadvantaged communities. This effort included the development of a GIS tool which shows transit routes which provide connectivity to each San Joaquins station, population density, and disadvantaged communities as defined by CalEnviroScreen. Findings of this effort were presented to the SJJPA at the July 22, 2022, Board Meeting and the report was released July 2022. This work is helping the SJJPA focus on strategies and partnerships with local and regional providers to improve connectivity to San Joaquins stations. The “Station Specific Strategies Table” from this study highlights strategies for each existing and future San Joaquins station. Here is link to the full Network Integration Connectivity Study Report.

Fresno FAX

Bikes On Board
In 2021, SJJPA completed and published the “South of Merced Integration Study”. This work focused investigation on how best to provide continued connectivity to downtown Hanford, Corcoran, and Wasco once HSR Interim Service begins operation (and Merced becomes the San Joaquins southern terminus). SJJPA coordinated closely with local and regional partner agencies on this study. As a result of this effort, SJJPA has entered into an MOU with Kings CAG, Kings County Area Public Transit Agency (KCAPTA), Tulare CAG, Tulare County Region Transit Agency, and Visalia Transit to partner in the development of the Cross-Valley Corridor Phase 1 Bus Service and the planning and implementation of the Cross-Valley Rail Project. SJJPA also committed to working with KCAPTA and Visalia Transit to seek state funds to provide increased local/regional transit connectivity for the San Joaquins between Hanford and Visalia.
SJJPA and other Kings-Tulare local/regional agencies partnered with Tulare County Regional Transit Agency (TCRTA) on their successful $33.8 million 2022 TIRCP application for electric buses and shuttles for the Cross-Valley Corridor that will initially enhance connections with the San Joaquins (until HSR operations begin). In 2023, SJJPA partnered with the City of Hanford, Kings CAG, Tulare CAG, Fresno CAG, Kings County Area Public Transit Authority (KCAPTA), TCRTA, and CHSRA on a Caltrans Sustainable Communities Planning grant for Kings-Tulare HSR station area TOD and connectivity planning and Cross Valley Rail (Porterville – Huron) planning. The City of Hanford is the lead agency for this grant application. SJJPA also approved an MOU with Kern Transit to work in partnership to provide increased Kern Transit connectivity between Wasco and the future Bakersfield HSR Station once HSR Interim Service begins operations.

Kings Area Regional Transit