Merced Intermodal Track Connection (MITC) Project

Merced Intermodal Track Connection (MITC) Project

Project Overview

The Merced Intermodal Track Connection (MITC) Project includes a new track
connection from the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) corridor to the proposed integrated Merced High-Speed Rail (HSR) Station in downtown Merced between R and O Streets, in addition to a new platform that would allow for a cross-platform transfer between the San Joaquins and HSR. The Project only includes the construction of the track connection; it does not include the construction of the proposed integrated station.

The Project would consist of the following:

  • New passenger rail connection for the San Joaquins from BNSF north of State Route (SR) 59 to the southern terminus at the proposed integrated Merced HSR Station
  • New aerial guideway that would connect into the east side of the HSR platform (which would be shared with the San Joaquins) at the proposed integrated Merced HSR Station, creating an elevated integrated platform with HSR
  • Modification of the approved Altamont Corridor Express (ACE) Merced Layover and Maintenance Facility

California High-Speed Rail Authority is planning to construct the Merced-Bakersfield HSR Early Operating Segment (EOS) by 2030-2033 and to extend the HSR service to the Bay Area after 2030-2033 (referred to as Silicon Valley to Central Valley HSR). HSR is planned to provide faster, more reliable, and more frequent service than the San Joaquins currently provides between Merced and Bakersfield. When the Merced-Bakersfield HSR EOS is operational, the San Joaquins passenger rail service between Merced and Bakersfield will be replaced by the HSR service and SJJPA will terminate the San Joaquins intercity rail service in Merced. SJJPA is expected to be the operating agency for the HSR EOS.

Implementing the Project would allow direct transfers from San Joaquins service to HSR at the proposed integrated Merced HSR Station in downtown Merced. The San Joaquins would offer intercity service between the Bay Area/Sacramento and northern San Joaquin Valley. The Project would provide a cross-platform transfer between the San Joaquins and HSR for passengers traveling between the Bay Area/Sacramento and Madera, Fresno, Kings/Tulare, Bakersfield, and Southern California (via Thruway bus connection).

Project Location Public Meeting LegendShift
Benefits of MITC
  • Integrates and creates a seamless connection between the San Joaquins service and the Merced-Bakersfield HSR Early Operating Segment and future Phase I HSR service in Merced
  • Enhances San Joaquins service to better serve regional markets
  • Reduces traffic congestion, improve regional air quality, and reduce GHG emissions
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Or by telephone at: (209) 200-8302

Project Location

The Project is located entirely within Merced County and almost entirely within the city limits of Merced. A small portion of the limits of the Project near Ashby Road and Miles Court is outside the city limits of Merced within Merced County. The new track for the Project would run from the BNSF corridor just north of where it crosses Snelling Highway (SR 59) to the north to a station platform at the proposed integrated station located between R and O Streets in downtown Merced, parallel to 16th Street.

Work Completed to Date

SJJPA completed a Project Study Report Equivalent to identify the Project scope, schedule, and estimated cost of the Project in March 2022.

SJJPA is currently conducting the project's environmental review in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The CEQA work completed to date includes:

  • SJJPA filed a Notice of Preparation for the Project on January 5, 2023, and accepted scoping comments through February 19, 2023
  • SJJPA held a scoping meeting on January 26, 2023
  • SJJPA filed a Notice of Availability of the Draft EIR for the Project on July 17, 2024 and accepted comments on the Draft EIR through August 31, 2024
  • SJJPA conducted an open house meeting on August 1, 2024

If the Project receives federal funding, it is anticipated that the Project will comply with the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), as necessary.

Lead Agency

SJJPA manages the San Joaquins rail service and is expected to be the Operating Agency for CHSRA’s Merced-Bakersfield EOS. SJJPA and CHSRA will partner to implement the improvements needed for the Merced Intermodal Hub. SJJPA is the lead agency for MITC under CEQA working in partnership with CHSRA, California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA), Caltrans, Merced County Association of Governments (MCAG) and the City of Merced.

Project Related Documents
Key Milestones
MITC Schedule Rev Jan 2025
SJJPA and the Project Team Want to Hear From You!

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