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San Joaquin Valley Rail Committee (SJVRC) Meeting March 11, 2022

San Joaquin Valley Rail Committee (SJVRC) Meeting
Friday, March 11th, 2022
Time: 10:30 AM
SJVRC Agenda – March 11th, 2022 Meeting_Final
Call-In Information: 1 (224) 501-3412 Conference Access Code: 823-467-885
GoToMeeting Link: https://meet.goto.com/823467885
Coronavirus COVID-19
In accordance with Assembly Bill 361 (AB361), San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority Board Members will be attending this
meeting via teleconference or videoconference. Members of the public may observe the meeting by dialing 1 (224) 501-3412
with access code: 823- 467-885 or log-in using a computer, tablet or smartphone at GoToMeeting.com using link: